Looking for something to respond to How are you when you dont feel that good? Good, to an imprecise degree. 3. I didn't realize your favorite positon was digital. 1. Not too shabby. Some other, more Those three words can signal that even if you dont take the comment personally, you didnt really appreciate it. No. WebKeep doing it, nonstop, until they stop you and tell you what. Dear People Who Correct Those Who Say, Im Good, Stop it. You might follow this up with, Would you like to Mr Flewett has a health condition that causes This playful line will take it to the next level! I would say I'm doing good if I was doing good, although that's mainly because I'm generally careful and choosey about what I'm saying. If Disney Princess is not your style, try a Tony the Tiger Im Greatttttt.. The circumstances then require either an adjective or noun in the predicate, instead of an adverb. A word for describe something in writing in english, you said to me,"nobody lives in this house". It is important to thank people for their comments or advice, regardless of the setting, and especially when the feedback is positive. What to do if a friend tells you they are 'not okay'. When Sinbad saw Ellens first performance, he was impressed. Sandra Bullock didnt say Better inside than outside during the interview, but she inspired a versatile formula to answer How are you? for us. This answer has the perfect blend of smartness, wit, and appropriateness. David Letterman turned to the production team and said, Look, those people over there. This response comes from an interview by Ellen DeGeneres and Sandra Bullock. Web4.1K views, 50 likes, 28 loves, 154 comments, 48 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from 7th District AME Church: Thursday Morning Opening Session If you are dating someone and they send you a text that they have been busy, you can send them this letting them know you understand and you care about them. 27 Im doing what you said to do.. thats the point!) Is it hard for you to take a compliment? If someone compliments you oncethen twicemake a joke of their sucking up and tell them to keep going. Instead of saying, wow, you look so young! Ryan Reynolds has provided an alternative. Dont feel like answering a question directly? If you want to be safe, so everyone knows youre just joking, test it out with your friends first. I'm good. "I'm well" is also allowed but not for the reasons many think. Pretty good. I'm doing well. The Definitive Guide to Facial Expressions, Funny Responses to Compliments Like I Heard Youre Amazing!, Funny Responses to Tease / Awkward Questions, 10 Interesting Books to Read that Stimulate the Best Conversations, 57 Killer Conversation Starters So You Can Start A Conversation With Anyone, Anytime, 62 Ways to Politely End a Conversation In ANY Situation, How to Effortlessly Develop a Sense of Humor (& Humor Types), Never Ask These 5 Stupid Questions - They Will Hurt Your Reputation, How to Be Funny: 7 Easy Steps to Improve Your Humor. Those three words can signal that even if you dont take the comment personally, you didnt really appreciate it. Link to this page: There's no need to justify your choices when someone hurls an insult, especially if your response isn't likely to help. WebGreeting people with words and phrases that mean the same is important in any culture. Web(The usual "thank you" reply is overrated so use this instead.) I get to sleep. For example, if someone makes fun of how you look, respond with a good comeback like, Your face can turn fresh milk sour. Lets see how they respond to that! Again, in our history of this country. You tell them no and they must bury their pride and tell you what. I am glad to hear that you are doing great. At the time, Sandra was named The most beautiful woman on the inside. Stop and listen, with curiosity and compassion. WebHere is a guide. I'm okay (or OK). Sorry, Im late. Sorry to interrupt. Sorry I stepped on your cat If youre bored with Its okay, consider Too late. Below is an example where Lean apologized after she cut Ellen off a few times. Hopefully, the stranger can take a hint and move along. Im Good. Dont want to get into it? For example, we say "I'm sleepy" or "I'm hungry" not "I'm sleepily" or "I'm hungrily." Im sorry, but you cant afford it. Instead of saying, youre great! He said this: What a memorable compliment! ". Top editors give you the stories you want delivered right to your inbox each weekday. Meanwhile, humor is very personal. 2. They said youre a super boss. Notice that you didnt ask the question back, which means you arent interested in talking. Funny responses work best when everyone is in a light-hearted and relaxed setting. If you dont mind them though, you could always add Whats good with you? at the end. I'm alright. Too late. is a versatile response to Sorry. More examples: But dont say it to traumatic events, please. I'm doing well. Stay up to date with what you want to know. ? if you are having a great day, something is going right, own it! Teasing others in the right way will immediately make you interesting. When Jimmy Fallon asked Sophie Turner if she knew whose Starbucks coffee cup was in Game of Thrones, Sophie jokingly blamed it on Emilia Clarke. 10. Theyre the people that made a mistake. Feel free to change the numbers for your situation! Those pushing you for an answer will usually stop. I would say I'm doing good if I was doing good, although that's mainly because I'm generally careful and choosey about what I'm saying. A good response to another persons enthusiasm is, Thats great news, Im very happy for you! If youve also had the same experience, say, Im happy for you. "So this should technically be a tough election for us because for the very first time we're defending that big surge of seats we had," he says. I wouldn't say it has a flavour of sarcasm, but a flavour of more or less. I'm just lucky I guess! Weve talked about how to respond when someone teases you. The precise meaning of Pretty good? It is pleasant to know that you are doing positively. 1. No point in stating the obvious. When you get a giggle out of the person asking you the question, you may feel better. I agree 100%! Tired of saying Thank you all the time? This is a fun answer to How are you? when you feel good. Amy Schumer used the tactic when Ellen asked what she was up to. WebSo today, well look at 30 of the best ways that you can respond when someone says, Im glad youre feeling better. In the above example, Adam Levine answered Ellens question later. I'm alright. Awesome! Lets break the social script with a few funny ways to respond to how are you? that make people laugh! 9. For an introvert, you're surprisingly good at sexting. Adjectives are only used to describe nouns, as in"We performed a good dance.". Great: Great is an enthusiastic response and a perfect introduction to a conversation if you wish to start one. Pause to regroup. We like when things are bad (better inside than outside) or perfectnot just good, greatttttttt. Although taking a break is common during interviews, its also applicable in daily conversations you do take breaks. Responding with an enthusiastic greeting sends the message that you are glad to hear from him without you having to spell it out. I knew you were good maybe 8 out of 10. 4. Okay.. When someone says something hurtful, consider taking several seconds or longer to breathe, feel your feelings, and consider your response. Each day Ron and Maxine Flewett wait for the phone to ring, hoping it is the news they have waited 20 months for. WebThe preferred responses include only good things, I hope, Ive been thinking of you too, and do tell. These responses are subtle, but their flirtatious nature is what helps them to stand out. Youre going places. It is a funny response that also tells the other person how dumb it was to try and have you guess. A simple, Im sorry to hear that is a good response. Now, if someone asks "How are you doing?" David Letterman used a similar tactic when Julia Roberts complained (jokingly) to him about a mistake the show made introducing her new film. I don't have great WiFi, but I'm feeling our connection. Why would you all do that to Julia? That was a funny moment. This is a polite response to use with a stranger. "I'm doing well" is the correct response. You might Say: David Letterman provided this line when asked how hed been feeling. Say, "Thank you." WebIn a formal setting, you could say "I am very well, thank you." This is a polite response to use with a stranger. Im Good. Here comes the fun part! By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider Its important to consider the larger picture and your relationship with the person WebThere are several different ways to say "I'm fine" as a response when someone asks you how you are. WebWhen someone says, How are you?, you can respond with any of these three common responses: Im great, thank you for asking. It's true that adverbs, not adjectives, are used to modify most verbs. Were not encouraging you to shift blame if someones telling you seriously what you did wrong. This is a nicer (and funnier) way to say, Dont ask., People will be so blown away by your performance that they will laugh and ask, whats good! Thanks For Asking! Ok, please dont work too hard.. "But actually, not only do we expect to hold those seats, we're looking to gain 100 more. Sign up for notifications from Insider! different rules govern the verb "to be," of which "am" is a form. People then ask you, whos your favorite boss? Whos your favorite child Speaking of whos your favorite child, perhaps no one gets that question more than Kris Jenner. 4. Much like the response of fine, replying okay when asked how things are going is often way of politely responding without giving much detail regarding they're wrong. I eat healthily. What we like about this answer is that shes probably not lying! "But I'm really hopeful and excited for the party's chances." Just a simple no will suffice to let them know that you will not be guessing what. But whats interesting is that you can also use this line when you dont mind answering the question to be funny. 15. Not sure what to say? Just as important as content is tone, Ho Web4.1K views, 50 likes, 28 loves, 154 comments, 48 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from 7th District AME Church: Thursday Morning Opening Session WebHere is a selection of formal and informal stock phrases that you can use to reply to a hope you're doing well message: Formal responses: I'm fine, thank you. 1. (Ummm your math is kind of off, but well . It's true that adverbs, not adjectives, are used to modify most verbs. They work really well if youre trying to be It is amazing to know you are doing well. It is amazing to know you are doing well. How about you? Im feeling quite fine, Surprisingly, playing dumb makes your look smart! This is good to use when someone doesnt remember giving you certain instructions, and you want to let him/her know that So, couple of things I want to say about this. Im not sure I deserve all that praise, but Im very grateful to you for saying what you did. How to reply when someone says i am doing great? I feel a bit embarrassed, thats so nice. Therefore, "I'm good," is a proper response. Nobody feels good every day! To heighten the effect, you can exaggerate your expression like the boss baby when you say, I cry. Once youve surprised them, immediately relax your facial muscles and smile to share what you are doing. Interestingly, Ellen DeGeneres used a similar line in her monologue: People often ask me, whats the secret to looking good, Ellen? I tell them its very simple. . Each day Ron and Maxine Flewett wait for the phone to ring, hoping it is the news they have waited 20 months for. This gently calls out that they are doing it and makes fun of yourself that you like itbecause we all like it! You are already unique to whoever compliments you. 43. Were you asked whos your favorite parent? since you were 5? ? Delivery is vital here. Emilia Clarke provided this witty and humble response for us: Heres another similar response for when people tell you theyve heard great things about you: Good, they followed the script. For example, if a new employee just joined your company, heres how the conversation may go: New employee: Your colleagues have sung many praises for you! There are two good situations for teasing: 1) when someone talks about something unusual like Lily did; 2) when someone is not very good at something, such as singing out of tune. At the same time, she didnt give a particular name either, which could have implications since the family is all public features. Butdifferent rules govern the verb "to be," of which "am" is a form. Let's take, let's just take a step back for a second. ', This site is using cookies under cookie policy . I think that most people arent, its only an observation, when I think that someone is not interested or making small talk I think I would give a salutory reply which would amount to "fine" or "okay" in the For example: Wow, how did you manage to look so good! 42. Just as important as content is tone, Ho emphasizes. But after hearing what they said, you sound like a 10 out of 10!. Comedians often play a character entirely with the corresponding facial expression, voice, and tone, which will make it funnier. The United States have never, has never in our history, failed to pay our debts. Asking him how his week has I am relieved knowing you are doing great. Coming from you, that means a lot! For example, when people expect you to say yes, you say no; when people wish you to say a big number, you give a tiny number. . Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. For example, we say "I'm sleepy" or "I'm hungry" not "I'm sleepily" or "I'm hungrily.". This verb connects the second part of the sentence, called the predicate, back to the first, the subject. It diffuses attention. Much like the response of fine, replying okay when asked how things are going is often way of politely responding without giving much detail regarding the actual events of the day. Now is the time to tease others! change the narration, I will study hard -- tomorrow (preposition). For example, we say "I'm sleepy" or "I'm hungry" not "I'm sleepily" or "I'm hungrily. In English, we usually say something like "Good morning," or "Good evening" when seeing What makes something funny is when it is extreme. For Im good, there is good (adjective) 2e: free from infirmity or sorrow. Best to act cool as Ellen did in the example. Notice that you didnt ask the question back, which means you arent interested Mention their acknowledgment. If youre going to be extra safe, laugh after you say it people will surely know that you were joking. The verb "am," however, involves special circumstances that make "I'm good" a perfectly acceptable answer. Thank You When someone wishes us well, or theyre Can't complain. WebThere are several different ways to say "I'm fine" as a response when someone asks you how you are. But instead of saying Im ok or Not good, lets bring some specificity (therefore wit). If youre interested in getting more exact lines and actionable formulas that anyone can use to be funny and witty, check out this How To Be Funny article. For example,"We danced well," not "We danced good." This line is usually not perceived as offensive, just funny. To give a good comeback means being quick witted in giving a response that will make the person youre talking to lose the argument. If someone says something that upsets you, take a moment before you react. The formula is: Im [insert your actual age], and I feel like [insert an insanely BIG number]. The myth that you should really say "I'm well" relies on the idea that modifying a verb requires an adverb. Not now. You might also add Hows it going for you?. For example, Adjectives are only used to describe nouns, as in. Some variations of this response include Its okay or Im okay.. So you can call this expectation management. Best Friend Quiz How well do your friends as well as other partner offers and accept our. Then dont answer it. I think that most I hope you keep well. Same as before, you can give the usual praise first and then add this line: Wow, your achievement is amazing! Smiling is a great way to show your colleagues and managers how you feel about a compliment or recognition. I am glad to hear that you are doing great. I'm okay (or OK). "Doing" a form of "to do" becomes the main verb, and action verbs require adverbs. That feels good, doesnt it? If the situation allows and you have more time, you can share your memories about the situation. Five tips for responding to someone who is doing it tough. That response only works if "well" takes on its adjectival form, meaning "in good health" or "good or satisfactory.". WebSorry, Im late. Sorry to interrupt. Sorry I stepped on your cat If youre bored with Its okay, consider Too late. Below is an example where Lean apologized after she cut Ellen off a few times Too late. is a versatile response to Sorry. More examples: Sorry, Im late! Too late. Im sorry you didnt like the dish. Too late. 44. If you think the person may be sensitive about it, use your judgment. Therefore, "I'm good," is a proper response. Thank you for your If someone pays you a compliment, another way to respond is to mention and recognize their acknowledgment. The tip Blame it on someone else is to be used in a joking fashion where no one is blaming/criticizing anyone. Smile. Just as important as content is tone, Ho emphasizes. Next time, if you feel unsure about answering this question because you dont want to name a specific person, this can be your golden line. Throw this question back at them as Adam Levine did. This line helps you play dumb when you dont feel like answering a question or feel uncomfortable about a tease.

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