Reveal the unique insight Tarot has for your week ahead! The old restrictions and obstacles preventing a property move disappear. I may not have asked the question appropriately. Also when Saturn moves to 6 Pisces, it will also square my natal Saturn in Gemini is there something I should be careful about on those days? Thank you for your guidance. In opposition, it opposes your interests. I wonder what the shift of Saturn into Pisces will bring (relief I am hoping) and also what Plutos shift into Aquarius will mean for me. Are you able to take a look and my chart and offer some insights please? During your Saturn Return in Aquarius, youll grow to understand your role in your family dynamics. It is masculine energy and rules both Capricorn and Aquarius, and the Tenth and Eleventh Houses. Saturn Return in Aquarius: Dates, Meaning, Lessons. Thresholds. Could this be because of Saturn? I can imagine how busy you must be answering hundreds of hundreds of questions pouring in every day. Thank you, Jessica. I havent been able to go back to Europe since Covid and I start having antsy feet. April 6th 2025 to May 25th 2025 To reassure you, you have Jupiter with all his luck, protection and solutions in your job sector until May 2023, so whatever you decide to do will work out very well for you. He owes a relative, or is owed by a relative, from 18-19 years ago. But you wont need it. Its nice to finally put 2022 behind us but Im not sure Im looking forward to 2023 with all the changes coming. Until then take any firm news with a pinch of salt. You know better now. Libra rules your Seventh House of marriage, divorce, separation and common-law marriage, as well as professional partnership. Same story told twice from two different angles. That will make a huge difference to your life. How does my Saturn in Libra influence this? 23 Sagittarius 33 I am sure this will help him very much. Pisces, of course, is associated with religion because of the two fish which suggest Christianity. Neptune has been in Pisces the whole time, also in opposition. If youre a Leo rising, Saturn will be transiting your 7th house; if youre a Gemini rising, it will be your 9th, etc. Saturns curbs and thresholds may be in the cathedrals or in other ways; yet according to the rules of astrology, they return. Thank you so much. You already had this transit 29 years ago, or so, and so as you left your twenties and went into your Thirties you may have had issues with or around psychologists, or perhaps the church maybe your aura and chakras. Juno You have to get real about that, even more so than youve already done. Longer-term, from 2024, when Jupiter enters Gemini, but for years into the future from 2026, when Uranus enters Gemini, you will find the internet or media a source of incredible breakthroughs and rewards. Had a terrible, terrible 2 preceding years with huge changes at work (2021) and a happy (still difficult) divorce (still going) in 2022. Then he stops. Thank you. Thank you for your insights. March seems to be a turning point for your husband with his finances and your joint finances, so this looks like an insurance claim; a property sale; renovations. People or organisations which you felt controlled by, will lose control. I suggest following the Harvard epidemiologist Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding on Twitter to get the facts, daily. It began in 2008 and ends in March 2023. Jupiter in 13 Leo It need not mean action over a will, it may simply be what is written down on paper, that has huge impact. The questions of purpose and the loss of external or internal structures will still happen, but it will be more conscious and overtly chosen, as opposed to something that compels you from the outside. Processions and gatherings at churches and mosques spread infection. Saturn is an outer planet in astrology that rules over discipline, structure, and boundaries. The sign and house Saturn is placed in can describe where each person may notice these themes arise, especially during the return of Saturn in their birth chart. 02 Taurus 50 At face value, this is a very positive development Saturn occupies his rulership in Aquarius and so his most positive traits come to the fore. I will finish also the solar 4th house Saturn in Aquarius, hope that things will me much easier for me in terms of this house even if Pluto also joins soon as I will move to a new house all by myself. Groups are super-spreader events where infection with the virus spreads. When Saturn changes signs, you are free, in that area of your life. It is very important to remember that The Black Death took place during Saturn in Aquarius, 1346-1353. This time around, Saturn is in Aquarius and Uranus is in Taurus. Jessica I missed your recent zoom class with Zoom. Also, do you see any chance of my health issues improving allergy-wise this year or in the coming years? Reinvigorate your schedule with new activities, Aquarius (Picture: Getty/ Today, Saturn influences the cosmic energies of the day, emphasising the importance of structure and organisation. Yet, January, February and March 2023 are when you do not take risks with groups and friends. Leo is the sign we associate with kings. Any pointers you can give will be appreciated! This is where you are blocked and face barriers. You have Virgo (work) and Capricorn (success) trines in your chart, and Jupiter (rewards) will move into Taurus from May 2023 and also trine those, creating what is known as a Grand Trine, twice. Apartment. As Saturn slowly opposes your Virgo factors from March 2023, it is very important that you consciously craft a different way of working and living, to meet new realities. You have stelliums in Aquarius, Sagittarius, Aries, Scorpio and Capricorn. May 7: Venus enters Cancer. You live in a cage. I am also looking for a good physic. In fact you have what it takes to advise others, either informally or in a professional capacity. They generously give free samples on YouTube and their websites so you can see how you feel. Your insight is so valuable to me especially as my birthday falls on the 8th and I am getting back to work day after. Much appreciated. Outstanding success from May 2023 to May 2024. What Im trying to say is that Im even more anxious and perhaps even depressed. It is also a statement about the impact of Covid on doctors, nurses and hospital beds. All of this is familiar to you as you have at least one past life where you were involved with a religion which challenged your health. The South Node entering Libra from July 2023 will begin a karmic phase, harking back to life 18 or 19 years ago, which will teach you a lot about duets, double acts and partnerships until you achieve closure in 2025. To experience the same kind of things that one has caused other people to experience karma. I might be imagining it but I feel like they think I am flakey. For example, if Saturn is currently in Aquarius but your Saturn is in Pisces, your Saturn return wont begin until Saturn shifts into Pisces on March 8, 2023. Please can I ask what this Saturn transit means for me? You will find freedom, space and room to move at that time and dont be surprised if the last thing you expected, comes to pass. If you are single a potential partner will appear after the South Node enters Libra in July 2023 and by 2024 you will have made a choice. The worst financial cycle in years for you, personally, ends in March 2023. Gemini: Siblings. We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we back. Thank you so much for taking the time to answer. I muddled up my earlier post, so please disregard. History shows us how themes might repeat in 2023. You can learn astrology at The Sun Sign School on this website with some brilliant tutors. Saturn returns can oftentimes lead to endings, embracing more responsibility, and setting new boundaries. Hygeia deals with health and hygiene so this seems likely related to covid like you said. Look at your subconscious. He also has Panacea in Virgo and she is an ancient symbol of drugs and even fungi with pharmaceutical properties. Thank you. In it youve mentioned March 2023 is about Leos financial, business or property. On your last Saturn in Aquarius transit you were isolated from friends. What we know of Saturn comes from astrologers Liz Greene, Howard Sasportas, Dennis Elwell, Margaret Hone (20th century) and the art will tell you the rest. Again, very long term, he will be in a partnership, or a new version of the old partnership, from 2026 which changes his life and sets him free. Travel later. Of course you may do none of those things, but this general example shows you the most common outcomes of this transit. This is the sign of the Architect who can picture in their minds eye a new vision that can then be made manifest. I have 5 stelliums in Aquarius, Leo and 4 in Cancer, Pisces and Virgo. Never feel bad about asking questions, please, its what I am here for. Have a look at your Libra stellium in Modern Astrology 2050, which is free for you to read. You two have karma and from July 2023 until January 2025 will settle karmic debts from 18-19 years before, either with each other, or in partnerships with other people. So what did you do? Saturn in astrology is sometimes a long lifetime experience. My husband is born on Feb 19 and a large part of my life comes from negotiating our life together as we are both retired now. Thank you for the article, Jessica and informative astrology lesson. The family will require new rules from March 2023 but if you set rules and stick to them you can get on with other things. Have a look at Virgo and Pisces in the online library. Do not feel guilty about being off work. Saturn returns last about two years for every individual. 06 The new AIDS is Covid. That month is quite a milestone for you. thank you so much Jessica! When Saturn is in Aquarius Aquarian energy is humanitarian. It is full of boundless ideas about what will improve the lives of others, and how shared efforts can make the world a better place. As the 11th sign of the zodiac, Aquarius rules over the 11th House of Groups and Visions. Children. The heavy restrictions, barriers and stuck feeling with Saturn vanishes in March 2023. Other lovers are cut off. Town. You will figure out a fair new deal with your ex, in 2023, 2024 as you both have karma from July 2023 onwards. Saturn in Aquarius is all about humanitarian and political causes. What does the Saturn in Aquarius transit mean Cause I dont usually get sick, and last year (2022) was awful in terms of health, while saturn was still in aquarius. You have mentioned previously that as a Sun Pisces with an Aquarius and Pisces stellium, Im heading out of a difficult time with groups and friends (yay!) Yoga Writing Drawing . You may be a parent or godparent. This three-year transit is already shaking up technology, society and community. Happy Lunar New Year to you too Jessica. Here are just a few examples of oppositions to give you an idea of what Saturn does, when in conflict. Thus, a golden age and richer harvest.You can find out more about Saturn from any of the authors Ive mentioned. Okay, so Virgo is about the mind, body and spirit together. So we would expect to see restrictions, thresholds, curbs, boundaries with groups and friends (Aquarius) and then religion (Pisces). He goes into your Fourth House, in your solar chart. So lighten the load in the Twelfth, Sixth, Eighth before he arrives. I feel that card was made for him. For classical astrologers and magicians, Aquarius was the daytime home of Saturn. Thank you so much. Publicly this is about your family, house, apartment and roots. In Aquarius, this is about friends and groups. Apollo at 17 Scorpio is tied into the whole pattern, in the Eighth House. And you may be rejected. I really look forward to your posts! Virgo-Pisces is that kind of cycle. Saturn A New Look at an Old Devil is a classic. You have Saturn at 0 Cancer in the Fourth House of family, household, property, town and country. Then you ask the Tarot to suggest a way through or out. You may want to clear the decks, as Robert Hand advises, in February so you have less on your plate. Besides, I found out that I have an inhibition to demand money for my work and I have a feeling that I am only working for the stingy people. Why anyone would troll you is beyond me. Because Saturn stays in a sign for so long, the Saturn return lessons typically begin around 28 and end around 30. I am working toward making big changes in my work direction (which seems like practically the same thing as changing my entire life) this year. You ask the Tarot to define the issue. I have just recently found out that I am expecting a baby. The financial, charity, property or business strain which is karmic in nature ends in July. Thank you very much for this article. We can predict that the battle ends on March 8th 2023. This also changes in March when new rules have to come in, because of a new situation where there are boundaries for the first time in years. The most relentless professional cycle in 248 years ends in March. Thats typical. Best wishes He digs his heels in. Once youre able to identify the sign, compare it to where transiting Saturn currently is in the sky. Nice man too. So, for example, organising a family reunion. The sign Saturn moves through shows global thresholds, restrictions and obstacles. Particularly in regard to health, family and onerous unpaid work. i have copied in his chart. Theyd make so many to-do lists! Will I ever learn about my father? During the Black Death it travelled on ships. People who have Uranus in Virgo have a pattern of saying No to particular classes at school or college but also hearing No as well so even as a student at primary, secondary or tertiary level he would have been chopping and changing. Many thanks. Venus in 7 Taurus, The King of Cups is often autistic. You are always shut out of a situation, or shut in by it. on 5.12.46.I spent almost 5 months in hospital the first month in intensive care,where my family were told that I was very likely to die,but was able to come home on 15th July, 2021,but am still not in good health.I am very weak,and have lung problems as I have had huge amounts of phlegm causing congestion & breathing problems all this time.I am wondering if this is caused by my Leo planets in opposition to Saturn in Aquarius.It is very debilitating to be like this,and I thought that I would have recovered long ago.I only leave the house for appointments,my husband looks after me.I would be interested in your opinion as to whether an end is in sight with this,as Saturn moves into Pisces. And is it really possible to avoid the reach of Saturn? Have a look at Dr. Eric Ding on Twitter, the Harved-educated epidemiologist who broke the news about the new variant before the US authorities were forced to fall in behind him. In fact, he is more than anything the force that tears down structures, laying waste to whatever kingdoms we have built for ourselves, whether that be our own ego and self-perception, or the way weve ordered our life around us. Im in the process of getting retrained to transition in to something different because I feel burned out. Hi Jessica ! From that point the pressure is off. Thank you. i remember going on a Take Back the Night March with a heavy gay vibe and a musical tone distinct to those younger women. A very, very common outcome with Saturn in Cancer is to set up some kind of system or approach which is actually more confining, limiting and restricting than the actual feared worst case scenario! You have your South Node, Ascendant and Pluto there and they will all be opposed by Saturn in Pisces, one after another, once he changes signs in March 2023. Happy and healthy new year to everyone! The sign and house Saturn is placed in can describe where each person may notice these themes arise, especially during the return of Saturn in their birth chart. 10 Leo 36 19 Saturn in opposition is in the opposite sign to something in your chart, at the same degree. Apollo in Libra is important as he is about combat as well as passion, and your Apollo Return will remind you that 2023-2024 is about balancing the scales. The wonderful website Cafe Astrology has a list of Saturn tables by zodiac sign. Appearance. It will improve while Jupiter is in Aries until May 2023. Dont just amble into it. You also need to look at the cycles of the North Node in Pisces and South Node in Virgo, which take place near Saturn in Pisces. I went back in time and looked at my Saturn transits and from 1991 to 1993 I was in a horrible situation living with a sociopath who cut me off from my friends and family. Saturn in the Seventh House will see a record number of separations and divorces for Sun Virgo people as he limits access to the ex, and limits access to new dates, who will not always want someone with baggage. Thanks to your Saturn Return, youre being ~reborn~ and moving on from whatever held you back for sooo long. You are solely responsible for what you post. Those general trends about AIDS and religion will come back 2023-2026, probably with Covid and religion. Your whole issue is Scorpio, which rules the Eighth House of family inheritance, wills and legacies. Teenagers. She was born from Jupiters brain fully formed. The reason you have had a tough time is transiting Saturn at 24 Aquarius, opposing your natal Saturn at 24 Leo, pulling in Mars at 24 Cancer and Psyche at 23 Scorpio. Long-term, the world of courtship, the bedroom, children (and other peoples children) is a way out. In its place comes a massive new challenge to change. In astrology we predict the future by looking at the past. Its the equivalent of Saturnalia. You cannot serve and do your duty if you feel unwell, on any level. We did okay. It can work the other way too. The North Node in Aquarius in the Eleventh House comes with the South Node in Leo in the Fifth House as a package. You gift is really amazing. From that point forward, with your existing partner or a new one, you will balance the scales and settle karma from the previous cycle. At the moment, the cycle is here alongside huge US airline disruption. To Know The Time Of Raj Yoga, Order Now: Raj Yoga Report! Im very interested to hear what you see in the year ahead for me. During your Saturn Return in Aquarius, youll grow to understand your role in your family dynamics. I have read about Saturn transit to Pisces and oppose to Virgo from March 2023 and am concern how it will affect my brothers situation, especially he has both Pluto and Uranus factors in Virgo? You realise someone has a chart similar to your own, and the reply given, applies to you. When Jupiter and then Uranus both go to 27 Taurus, for example, they trine his natal IC at 27 Taurus and whatever he has inherited from a relative or ancestor, in terms of depression or being the professional who treated the same, takes a new direction and transforms to his advantage. In fact, Im excited to see what unfolds this year and am more contented than I ever recall being. March 2nd: Mercury 29 Aquarius conjunction Saturn 29 Aquarius. Parameters Life as it was 18 or 19 years ago will repeat, not literally, but thematically. Best. Find out. No matter what your relationship status is, this isolating aspect can leave you feeling sad, alone, and unable to connect emotionally. Its tribal. He stands on the spot and then turns backwards through a sign. Saturn in Pisces 3.7.23 - 5.24.25; Uranus in Taurus 3.6.19 Neptune in Pisces 2.3.12 - 3.30.25; Pluto in Aquarius 3.23.23 - 6.11.23; facebook instagram pinterest twitter The ground is being broken up so new things can grow. 28 Libra 02 08 You see I have never had children and to be honest have never spent much time with infants or teenagers. Somehow i found myself leaving at 4th of Jan and ending a 19 years employment ! Venus Me and My husband, (1972.01.27) have been hoping to try to buy a home but as our careers have taken a hit for a couple of years we dont see that happening at the moment, as we need to save more. I am sorry you went through this episode; Saturn transits can be like that, but this one is nearly over just one month to go. I read in a comment above you mentioned a theme of Virgo- Pisces being the body versus God, and that quite rang true for me. 01 Sagittarius 48 You can expect new barriers and obstacles to emerge in connection with one friend or group, which challenge you to come up with a different way of handling the situation. So March and May are the two big steps. When he leaves Aquarius and your Eleventh House in March 2023 you feel the ties come off your ankles in regard to friends and groups. You are a Sun Sagittarius woman with stelliums in Sagittarius, Libra and Scorpio. Thank you so much x. Family and house life is very difficult most of the times, very stressful. Thus, the duet or duel now in front of you, may well be the story later on and it will be karmic in nature. This is the Libra part of your chart. So can the never-ending crush on someone you are never going to be with! The desire to heal and purify the world is present, but in a way that is more clinical and detached, and less attuned to the realities of living in the material world. Read the testimonials. Any time you have slow-moving outer planet or node transits at 11 degrees, an episode emerges between you, which requires that you lean on everything you learned the last time. This placement wants to give back and change the world. May 14: Mercury Retrograde in Taurus ends. Im looking forward to a new phase to my life as Saturn exits Aquarius. Thank you so much for your insights. Since that time, Ive worked on becoming more loving, accepting, grateful, intuitive (without being overwhelmed), and attuned to the world around me; and am less inclined to beat my head on those brick walls. As romantic Venus meets up with serious Saturn in impersonal Aquarius, everythings not exactly coming up all sunshine and roses in our love lives. In fact, Long Covid will force a lifestyle change that will make you feel far more free and liberated, day to day. Your North Node is in Pisces and your South Node is in Virgo. Mercury square Saturn is always about the obstacles to your voice across all mediums and media. The parents on either side are usually brought in at some point. I read something about barricades and I thought the shackles would be coming off especially around the idea of home and where this is. If you want to lose weight, do try membership, even for a month, and get your chart done using a house system I can validate. My husband and I seem to have finally reached a stage where we can respectfully coexist and mutually appreciate each other. Duets. Saturn in astrology is about learning. New rules. The other big outcome from all this is a completely different relationship with work. My angels must have wanted to say hello. I hope so. I certainly felt the ring fenced limits coming out as gay, to myself and then to my mostly conservative Christian community, the public, work etc and family was tough but also so grounding physically and mentally, and spiritually and very, very liberating. On your Saturn Return, as you leave your twenties, Saturn returns to the same sign and degree it occupied at your birth and you have an important year or two, of dealing with heavy new thresholds. If you use your willpower, you will do that. WebLoki is Saturn ~ the veil between our worlds; Hella ~ Dont Ignore her; Pisces Sun, Moon, Ascendant; Aquarius Sun, Moon, Ascendant; Capricorn Sun, Moon, Ascendant; Whatever it is, people generally spend the rest of the life cultivating and enjoying this gift. 11 Aquarius 34 Saturn returns essentially mark the end of a 30-year-cycle in your life, while also setting you up for the next 30 years. Happy New Year Jessica! That can only happen every 19 years. The essence of Aquarius. Do not post personal information or anything that should not be made public. Thank you Jana. So if Saturn is renamed to a happy planet or something just not with Saturn qualities that energy can come into the chart then right?

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