Lets take a look at the details surrounding clover lawns so you can decide where you stand on the issue, and Ill look specifically at the pros and cons of micro-clover in residential lawns. Subterranean clover does not yield as well as arrowleaf clover, berseem clover, or crimson clover,but can produce seed under heavy grazing pressure. In fact, there are plenty of pesticides and products on the market that will tell you how to get rid of clover. Then water. Where regular clover leaves can be as big as an adult fingernail or larger, Microclover leaves could be compared to the fingernails of a newborn. If you have white clover ground cover, it can appear patchy and bare in heavily traveled areas. And with the demand for Microclover outpacing the supply, prices are not expected to go down anytime soon. While micro clover seed might be more expensive than plain grass seed, it also requires less fertilizer and maintenance. Generally, this was white clover (Trifolium repens). Blending can also help compensate for the fact that in some zones, micro clover will go dormant in winter and turn brown. Crimson clover makes more growth during cool weather than most clovers and is the earliest-maturing commonly grown clover species. That makes me wonder if they are the same except the mini clover is trained to stay lower by mowing. White clover is tolerant of close grazing, which makes it a good choice for many pastures, but it is not well-suited for hay situations. Visit our product page for more information about microclover blends and natural lawn care. A single 5 pound bag will overseed 2,500 square feet! Today, for everyone who says that clover is a weed, you will hear another homeowner explain why theyre turning to a micro clover lawn or a blend of micro clover with more traditional turf grasses. I happen to be in Winnipeg a well! That means less chemical toxicity around your home, and better health for the planet. Grows 4 to 6 inches tall. Growing a clover lawn supports bees and helps reduce your carbon footprint. Yes, you canafter its established. Because of these characteristics and their nitrogen-fixing ability, there is interest in using microclover in lawns to enhance turfgrass growth and reduce nitrogen fertilizer applications. Again, checking to see if micro clover is recommended in your area is smart, so that you dont end up with disappointing surprises. Are micro clover lawns better than grass? The site is full sun, south facing, with some morning shade. If your lawn abuts neighbors, make sure they want it too, because it will spread like crazy. Helps out-compete weeds, and keeps grass green all season long. Diseases are rare with microclover, though soggy, brown patches may indicate Southern blight, a disease occurring in hot, moist climates. Wait one week after sowing before adding organic chicken manure pellets as a fertilizer. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. This is particularly true with so many droughts happening nowadays I wouldnt be surprised if everyone switched to micro clover as a result. Bob Vila has partnered with Sunday to get your lawn exactly what it needs to thrive. The next step is to lay down an inch or more of fresh topsoil to the planting area to give the new seedlings a helping hand at growing. Ten-pound bags that will cover 5,000 square feet are close to $300. Check the amount of sunlight your area receives before planting using a sunlight calculator. Missouri Botanical Garden. The blog editor at Eartheasy.com, Shannon lives on six acres of land with her husband, daughters, and backyard poultry flock. White clover (aka Dutch clover) crowds out weeds, thanks to its dense roots and fast growth, so theres no need to use herbicides on a clover lawn. Its contribution to the total forage yield in a mixed stand is . Rose Clover Rose clover has a growth habit similar to crimson clover, but has lavender-colored blooms and makes most of its growth in mid-spring. Bob Vila has partnered with Sunday to get your clover lawn exactly what it needs to thrive. Do you recommend a brand of seed that doesnt revert back to the larger version of clover? In these areas, most prepared-seed bed plantings are made in autumn 4 to 6 weeks before the date of the first killing frost. "Trifolium repens." Will you start a new micro clover lawn or seed into an existing lawn? It doesn't seem to make any claims about "performing" better than dutch clover in terms of nitrogen fixation, wear hardiness, etc. Both of us use Black Beauty Ultra and Ive been overseeding every other year. It acts as its own natural fertilizer! 8. Its an excellent grass blend that does really well in NJ and up into New England (its what I use to overseed my lawn every other year). With a less invasive clump-forming habit, the microclover tends to have a lower growth rate, fewer flowers, and smaller leaves. Start in early spring (mid-March to mid-April) to allow clover seed time to get established before cold weather arrives. By itself, clover doesnt hold up well to repeated heavy foot traffic or playing fields, However, when blended with turfgrass, it can make a strong lawn and take occasional heavy traffic. Pipolina as it should stay 3 tall or shorter. When seeded into warm season grasses, they are normally planted near the expected date of the first killing frost. Keep reading to learn more about clover lawns and whether or not its a viable option for your outdoor space. By Lori Lovely | Published Jun 21, 2022 10:53 PM. Please check your inbox to confirm your subscription! Small areas can be treated by covering the soil with a plastic sheet before planting and solarizing to kill the disease. Although it can be quite productive, ball clover has a shorter growing season and often yields less than other commonly grown annual clovers.It is a prolific seed producer even under high stocking rates, and a high percentage of the seed are hard seed. Ball Clover This winter annual is sometimes mistaken for white clover, but the blooms are smaller and more rounded. with a white V or crescent. By the late 1800s, the neatly trimmed, aesthetically pleasing grass lawn became a symbol of wealth. The most widely available form of micro clover in North America is Pipolina. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Once your clover is fully established, mow and return clippings to your lawn for a natural feeding. Carly Fraser has her BSc (Hons.) Contact us at Ask Extension. This will give your seeds a chance to germinate and avoid giving the weeds a head start. Low-maintenance Dutch clovers and microclovers, strains in the family of white clovers, are currently the top choices. While it is defined by many as an eco-friendly alternative to lawn grass, people may still consider clover to be a lawn weed. Note: The recommended mowing height for micro clover is 3"-3.5". Think a clover lawn is right for you? I would have concerns about mice and voles really working the planting over. This means that it can cost as little as $1 to seed 1,000 square feet. One area with a poor track record for growing micro clover is the extreme Southern United States. Dutch white clover is the most common variety, providing lawns with that class clover look. I planted what I though was micro clover as a lawn cover. The ideal pH for micro clover is 6 7. Thus, a stand of a perennial clover may contain recently established plants that are less than a year old as well as plants that are more than a year old. My question is whether there is Good morning, Appearance aside, clover naturally gives back to your soil. What impact might these diseases potentially have on clover? Water two time daily to keep the soil surface wet for the first two weeks. Microclover ( Trifolium repens var. Planting a whole yard with micro clover would be pretty pricey. Clovers are wonderful plants that can contribute greatly to forage/livestock programs,to soil stabilization, and in other situations in which plant vegetation is desired. It prevents your lawn from being discolored due to dog patches. I recently expanded a vegetable garden and turning over my grass with a shovel was made much more difficult with the long roots, but I figured thats the price you pay for a good lawn. It can be the result Get instant access to all of our premium pasture seed products by entering your zip code into our exclusive Seed Selector! Subterranean Clover Subterranean clover is a dense, low-growing annual best suited to areas having mild winters. Where can I get true Microclover? Acts as a natural source of fertilizer. This one has smaller leaves and far fewer blooms, but it is a lot more tolerant to foot traffic and mowing. They can be established either in autumn or spring in many areas,with most plantings in the northern United States being made in spring, and a higher percentage of autumn plantings occurring the farther south one goes. When first planted, water daily to speed germination and help establish a strong root system. So I dont really think that Black Beauty Ultra will be more drought tolerant than micro clover, but the drought tolerance may be comparable based on what I saw in my neighborhood this summer. Micro clover plants also don't clump up as much as traditional white clover, making it more desirable for turfs. Before adding the seed, mow your lawn extra close to the soil surface. Gardeners can also benefit from adding clover seed during aeration, the process of loosening up compact soil to help it breathe. However, in many areas in the South, perennial clovers will not survive the heat and drought of summer, and first-year growth of a perennial clover is normally less than that of annual clovers. If youre simply wanting to thicken up an established lawn with micro clover then you can treat it the same way you would with regular grass mow it when it looks like it needs it. In that setting, it is only utilized for 2 crop years before removal. Plus, who doesnt want the opportunity to look for a four-leaf clover? While clover is certainly nothing new, the buzz has been focused on the latest varieties of white clover that have been bred for smaller and smaller leaf sizes. Copyright 2023. Trees in the area have Wet Wood, Verticillium Wilt, and a few lost to fire blight. It makes most of its growth in mid-spring. Trifoli. Pirouette the same as micro clover? If your grass is thin or brown, its possible that clover can take over those areas of your lawnespecially if theyre shady. At the sight of a clover in an otherwise pristine grass lawn, zealous homeowners used to grab a spade or the weed-n-feed, and excise the poor plant. Related: How to Read the Weeds for a Healthier Lawn. Thus, it is an excellent reseeder. Getting rid of your current lawn to plant clover instead isnt a process that happens over night. Regions with less humidity and fewer periods of excessive heat, Areas with adequate rainfall, not prone to drought. The main difference is the leaf size. This health benefit is one of the main reasons people are adding micro clover to their lawns. Pirouette and Pipolina). Thanks for the time, Turner, Dr. Thomas. Clover does well even in high heat and prolonged drought conditions. They're both Trifolium repens and have the same functioning parts. Here's how: Locate a mature plant that has an offshoot branched out from it. Hi Jay I dont know of any personally, but I can assure you that clover is a much better option than grass. Its the most popular clover seed for lawns, but it can also be planted as a perennial cover crop, ground cover, or for erosion control. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Lawn trials show that mixes of 5 to 10% microclover will maintain the benefits of a clover lawn and keep weeds at bay. If the seeds are broadcast over an existing lawn, germination will be greatly reduced (hence why raking deep into the grass to open up spots of soil is recommended). Lime where necessary, since microclover does best with a pH of 6 to 7. Micro clover is fairly drought tolerant, requiring about 25% less water than conventional lawns to stay green. Ladino varieties of white clover are usually most productive, but generally do not reseed well.Intermediate white clover types are better reseeders and more persistent, but usually are less productive. This publication provides general information regarding a number of points that should be considered when deciding which clovers to plant. University of Maryland Extension on Facebook, University of Maryland Extension on Instagram, University of Maryland Extension on Twitter, University of Maryland Extension on Youtube, 2018-2023 College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Respect, instructions for how to enable JavaScript in your web browser, (PDF) Microclover - Tall Fescue Lawns in the Mid-Atlantic Region. Grab her free lawn care cheat-sheet: What to Do When - Take the Guesswork Out of Lawn Care, or upgrade your garage by browsing her favorite DIY lawn care products. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. If you decide to add some micro clover to your lawn, here are a few tips to ensure success: Ready to overseed your lawn with clover? A full-blown stand of micro clover requires between 2 and 5 pounds of seed per 1000 square feet of lawn. I would suggest this one from West Coast Seeds. What is Micro Clover? Not only do clover lawns require less mowing, but they also need less watering than most grasses. As a nitrogen-fixing plant, it pulls nitrogen gas out of the air and converts it into a nutrient. This is important to soil because, when growing other plants, nitrogen is naturally lost. No Mowing: as mentioned above, micro clover doesnt require mowing, and if you do choose to mow, it doesnt have to be as often as a grass lawn. It has tiny leaves and fewer white flowers. According to West Coast Seeds, the plants respond to mowing by hugging the ground more, with smaller leaves and shorter flower stems. Over time, they take on a compact, snug appearance. We want to put in a low maintenance "fire break" between the house and the rest of the hill that is covered with plants and grasses that grow up to 4 feet tall, (including fighting to mow and de-seed Blackberry, Tansy Ragwort, and Mammoth Red Clover). When used in a lawn mix, it not only supplies continuous nitrogen but helps suppress weeds. As you plant perennials, mix in clover in between or in those hard-to-grow areas. The types of clover generally used in lawns are strawberry clover, white clover or red clover. All annual plants present at any given time will die within a 12 month period. Prepare about 5 of topsoil by tilling and adding screened, organic compost. She has helped hundreds of thousands of individuals to re-connect with their bodies and learn self-love through proper eating habits and natural living. But with so many people stuck on the idea that grass lawns are the ultimate goal in life, it is difficult to get die-hards to make the switch. Try it out with Sundays help. Ive had a great lawn for years and get complimented on it. But there are also a lot of reasons to grow a clover lawn. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. I will try to chew through them one-by-one. The Ultimate Guide to Fight Inflammation and Restore Your Health! I have an underground sprinkler system, but our town only allowed us to water once a week. This clover does not reseed well due to a low level of hard seed production. Adding microclover to lawns helps control weeds because it helps fill in gaps that often exist in conventional lawn blends. With the copyright symbol on Mini clover does it mean it is genetically modified? Microcloverrefers to smaller varieties of white clover(Trifolium repensvar. You may also want to examine the history of lawns to better understand why todays homeowner considers clover a weed at all. The authors gratefully acknowledge reviews of this publication provided by: Dr.Gerald Evers and Dr. Ray Smith (Texas A & M University), Dr. Jimmy Henning (University of Kentucky), and Dr. Carl Hoveland (University of Georgia). Thus, once a decision has been made as to which clover species to plant, selection of the most suitable variety can mean the difference between good and poor results, University variety trial reports are the best sources of unbiased variety information. The reason is that annual clovers, which must come from seed each year, have more difficulty becoming established due to competition from grasses and other plants (especially perennial plants) than do perennial clovers which already have a good root system established. Micro clover (trifolium repens var. All over North America, people are making the choice to replace their grass lawns with easier-to-manage plants that dont require so much care. I agree it can be tricky to know exactly what youre getting, Sanford. However, I live 20 minutes North of Boston and this year my BBU grass was turned into straw. All Rights Reserved | Home | About, We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. The hardy nature of micro clover also limits the growth of weeds. Micro clover is an extra-small version of white clover (Trifolium repens) that has been around for decades in Europe. Drought Resistant: with its deep roots, micro clover is much more tolerant to drought than most grasses and will remain green even when the rest of the lawn turns brown. It grows quickly and best on well-drained soil, but like strawberry soil, can thrive on a range of soil varieties. Will you sow your seed at 100% or mix with other plants for a blended look. Homeowners were generally OK with this, however, because clover flowers attract bees, and no one wants a child running across the lawn to get stung. The soil is hard packed clay, acidic, modified (poorly) with compost and top soil mix. These are all perennial clovers, as opposed to annual clover types that complete their life cycles in a single year. Mixes well with turf-type tall fescue (and Kentucky bluegrass) and provides a uniform appearance; Provides an organic source of nitrogen (in grass clippings and as it decays) to support turfgrass growth; may reduce one nitrogen application per year; Does not tolerate high heat and drought; starts to die when cool-season turfgrass enters dormancy in the summer; requires reseeding for persistence; Top growth dies back in the winter which can leave bare spots and lead to erosion; Seeds are expensive and not readily available in retail stores; Most broadleaf herbicides labeled for use on tall-fescue will kill microclover; Bees attracted to the flowers may be undesirable for people with bee sting allergies; Southern blight disease can be a problem occasionally in prolonged periods of high humidity and high nighttime temperatures. It is best suited to well-drained soils, and is most popular in certain low rainfall areas of central Oklahoma,north central Texas, and California. First, Microclover seed is expensive. Sarahs blog, Lawn Chick, is read by over 2 million homeowners each year and she is regularly cited as an expert source of lawn care knowledge by major publications. They also have a less aggressive clump-forming habit. All clovers are legumes. But first, we need to discuss the difference between clover and micro clover, because there is quite a bit of confusion between the species! Start by determining the square footage of the area you . Because clover is considered a living mulch, it provides nutrients to the soil and helps it resist compaction. In fact, most herbicides kill clover, so they should be avoided. In this case, you would not need to buy seeds coated with nitrogen. At full height, micro clover will reach about 6 inches un-mowed, and 4 inches if mowed every now and then. If youre not 100% tied to the idea of clover and are open to a drought-tolerant grass Id consider Jonathan Green Black Beauty Ultra. Annual clovers complete their life cycles within one year (i.e., plants emerge from seed, grow, produce seed, and die, all within a 12 month period). It also doesnt bloom as much or as often as standard white clover, and if mowed every now and then, it will not bloom at all. Water your clover until it is fully established (especially if you live in a hot, dry climate). Consequently,when planting decisions are made it is important to have in mind the traits of various clovers and then take care to select the one(s) best suited to the situation. Micro clovers are very soft and lush and when blooming, you will have a pleasant smell! You won't have to mow a lot due to the clover growth. 6. Furthermore, clovers may also differ with regard to the particular benefits they provide (for example, if forage growth is desired at a specific time, one clover may be a much better choice than another). Combined with the fact that clover requires little in the way of watering, mowing, and pest control, clover lawn seed can be an economical option compared to many traditional grass varieties. That means more money in your pocket as you save from spending it on lawn care companies to aerate your lawn. Varieties within a clover species can vary considerably with regard to yield, disease resistance, winter hardiness, and other factors. Microclover is a newly developed cultivar of white clover that is gaining popularity in clover lawns because of its improved traits. by Dr. Don Ball, Extension Agronomist/Alumni Professor (Auburn University) and Dr.Garry Lacefield, Extension Agronomist/Professor (University of Kentucky) on behalf of the Oregon Clover Commission, Salem, OR. However, this is more so for regular white clover than micro clover. There are many clover lawn options to choose from. Before getting into a project, researching your options is key. You can grow a micro-clover lawn in just about any season, but it is best if you sow during spring or early summer when temperatures are still cool. Shannon Cowan Arrowleaf/grass mixtures should be grazed enough to prevent the clover seedlings from being shaded by the grass. Its familiar round, white, and fragrant flowers dot the landscape of a clover lawn. Microclover (Trifolium repens var. Commercial seed companies, including Pennington and Scotts, now offer clover lawn seed mixes. To add clover to an existing lawn, first mow the lawn closely and remove thatch, which will help the seed reach the soil surface, recommends the Farmers Almanac. Delayed germination is due to hard seed which have a seed coat that must be broken down over time to allow water to enter the seed. Ideally not your own address for your privacy.. Having some trouble talking my wife into taking this approach. You might start with a clover and drought-tolerant grass seed mix of 80:20, and then alter your ratio as you see fit and based on the results. Related: How to Reduce the Size of Your Lawn. How to Level a Sloping Lawn (and why you should), All About Rhizome Grass (and why it's awesome). Micro clover also works well in . Microclover ( Trifolium repens L. var. Clover seed is highly affordable. One of clovers few downsides is that it stains clothing more than turf. Some are more tolerant of certain climatic conditions, soil conditions, and/or management regimes than others. A clover lawn may be the right choice for your region. Red Clover wherever grown attracts beneficial creatures, especially bees, whilst at the same time adding nutrients to the soil via its roots. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Content on Live Love Fruit may not be reproduced in any form. The following brief descriptions of various commonly grown clovers, together with the information in Table 1 can provide much insight regarding species suitability for various situations. Clover will begin to grow in 5-7 days. If having micro clover as part of your lawn helps achieve this objective, then its worth considering for many environmentally conscious homeowners. Is Trifolium repens L. var. If I missed anything or have created other questions, please feel free to holler! It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Microclover is naturally shorter than white clover, and it can tolerate close mowings better than white clover can. Unlike most commonly grown annual clovers, berseem clover is quite tolerant of wet soils and also alkaline soils. It improves forage quality above a pure grass stand and supplies nitrogen for grass growth. This differs from public domain varieties that do not have licenses or royalties attached to them. 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